Web serving
Web serving (school's page, students' pages, various virtual hosts)
involves the following subsystems:
- Apache:
This is the
webserver, it reads the pages from the disk where the page is stored,
and serves it to the requesting browser.
- The DNS server, resolves
the hostname requested by the remote server. When adding a new
virtual domain, it needs to be configured so as to point that name to
our Apache server (ltnb0).
The above-listed subsystems are enough to
serve the pages,
however we still need a way to put them into place/update them. Three
methods are available:
- Ftp, mainly intended for
external organizations or people who host their site at the LTNB. The
user should not be listed in /etc/ftpusers or else he won't
have ftp access. Or, simply check his "has incoming ftp" box in
- Samba, mainly intended
for students/teachers, who have access from the classrooms.
- NFS, mainly intended for
teachers, who have access from the Linux computers in the conference.
- It is also possible for external users to update their page using
scp (part of the ssh suite)
Needed cisco ports
Ports 80 and 443 to ltnb0 need to be open in order to have the Web
server visible outside.
Ports 21 and 20 to ltnb0 need to be open so that external people can
update their page via ftp.