- Sendmail: Used for
sending mails to nodes outside the LTNB, and for delivering incoming
mails to the user's mailbox in /var/spool/mail
Communicates with the following entities:
- A local browser: typically, a netscape browser in one of
the classrooms, configured to browse mail via IMAP. The local
browser only contacts sendmail for sending mail, not for
browsing received mail.
- The IMP Web-to-mail gateway, which allows remote browsers to
access our mail. No local configuration of the local browser is
necessary, making it easy to access mail this way from anywhere on
the world (Cybercafé, at work, from a friend's computer, ...). IMP
only contacts sendmail for sending mail, not for browsing
received mail.
- Remote peers, i.e. mail transfer agents at other
institutions. They contact us when they send mail to us, and we
contact them
- Writes delivered mail to user's system mailbox in
- Imap: Used for browsing
received mail, and for organizing it into folders.
Communicates with the following entities:
- Reads user's new mail from his system mailbox in
/var/spool/mail and moves it over to the mbox file
in his homedirectory.
- A local browser: typically, a netscape browser in one of
the classrooms, configured to browse mail via IMAP. Local browser only
contact imap for browsing received mail/organizing it into folders, not
for sending it.
- The IMP Web-to-mail gateway, which allows remote browsers to
access our mail. No local configuration of the local browser is
necessary, making it easy to access mail this way from anywhere on
the world (Cybercafé, at work, from a friend's computer, ...). IMP
only contact imap for browsing received mail/organizing it into
folders, not for sending it.
- Local browser: A netscape browser in the classroom
Communicates with the following entities:
- Imap for browsing received mail & organizing it into
- Sendmail for sending mail
- IMP: Web-to-mail gateway
Communicates with the following entities:
- Imap for browsing received mail & organizing it into
- Sendmail for sending mail
- Remote browser, for whom it acts as a Web server
- /var/spool/mail: System mailbox
Is accessed by the following entities:
- Sendmail delivers mail to here
- Imap reads mail from here, and clears it
- Remote browser: Netscape browser running off-site
Communicates with the following entities:
- Connects to IMP, which acts as a webserver
- DNS: Domain Name Service
Communicates with the following entities:
- Supplies addresses of remote mailer destinations to sendmail
- Supplies address of our own mail servers to remote senders